About Me

Senior Data Engineer with deep experience in MS SQL Server and Elastic stack. Background in application development and systems analysis. Senior Data Analyst with advanced SQL experience, data modeling, and schema design for custom application development, data warehousing, and analysis.

My happy place is in the ‘thinking’ parts of the job: the problem solving, the solution design, the strategic thinking, the troubleshooting. I have excellent communication skills and great people skills. I'm a good listener; I hear what you're saying and what you mean. I understand both what you asked for and what you really need.

I've held various titles of Senior Data Engineer, Software Engineer, Programmer, Web Developer, System Analyst....

  • I've designed, built, and supported relational and NoSQL databases using Sybase, MySQL, MSSQL, and Elastic as part of custom application development, data warehousing, and data analysis efforts
  • I've designed, installed, and supported two on-prem Elastic clusters; installed Beats agents and developed Logstash pipelines and Kibana solutions to deliver an enterprise application and system monitoring platform
  • I've completed data mining for extraction from enterprise and line-of-business applications for analysis and application integrations
  • I've developed and supported ETL and data pipelines using MSSQL, SSIS, Powershell, Elastic Beats, and Logstash
  • I've developed and supported complex SQL queries and data access models
  • I've led business and process analyis and custom software design and development projects for line-of-business applications
  • I've created and supported reports, dashboards, and custom data solutions using SQL Server Management Studio, Azure Data Studio, Excel, PowerBI, Tableau, Kibana, as well as custom development
  • I've developed and supported custom applications using C++, PHP, C#, and .Net
  • I've developed and supported websites and CMS platforms using HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Percussion Rhythmix, Sharepoint, Umbraco, Wordpress, and Hugo

I find the tools are all different and all the same. It really it comes down to finding a way to use the tools and team I have available to create solutions to problems within my purview. (More detail on this in the Projects section.)

Each turn in my career path has been a result of needing answers I didn't have. Each new skill, tool, or language has come from developing the thing I needed for what I was doing. When I worked in an engineering lab and found the tracking software did not work for the team, I became the business analyst and SME for the IT team to develop a new application, then became a Software Engineer and joined the team building it. When I was part of a team of Software Developers that had need for more data specialization, I came up to speed and went off in that direction.

I'm interested in crafting beautiful solutions.

It's not the skill, tool, or language that's important; that's not what I do. What do I do? I understand what needs done, then make it happen.

I've never had a burning desire to learn everything there is to know about MSSQL, or JavaScript, or data classification or Grok patterns. If I never fully understand the complexities of component architecture in .NET Core, I'm okay with that. If my Logstash pipelines are never presented as 'gold standard', it'll be alright. I'm not interested in crafting beautiful code or writing beautiful queries.

I am very interested in crafting beautiful solutions. It's not the skill, tool, or language that's important; that's not what I do. What do I do? I understand what needs done, then figure out how to make it happen.

Read more about me....

Marnie Gordon

Name: Marnie Gordon
Email: gordon.marnie@gmail.com
Address: Boise, ID USA


My Professional Objective

Secure a remote or hybrid position where my creativity and unique skills and experience will be respected and put to use identifying and solving problems and helping others do the same; where I can be part of an organization and with people I respect on a mission I believe in.

Identifying my objective here has been difficult to articulate. My professional objectives are not about tools or job title or 'goals'. My objective has been the same since I was 12 years old: to solve problems, take care of people, and make things better.


My Educational Background

My educational background is long and varied because I've always been interested in a lot of things. It means I know a lot about some things, a little about a lot of things, and can see things from a variety of perspectives. That makes for better solutions.

Boise State University Boise State University

Bachelor of Arts - Computer Information Systems

I spent two years in the Computer Information Systems program before receiving a BA in CIS. I was working full-time as a Software Engineer, and finally made time to finish up my degree in CIS to reinforce my career experience.

ITT Technical Institure ITT Technical Institute

Criminal Justice Program

I spent a year in the Criminal Justice program. This time expanded my professional experience and gave me some exposure to the legal profession and the Idaho State Bar Assocation.

University of Idaho University of Idaho

Interior Design and English/Communication Programs

I spent four years in the Interior Design and Architecture, and English Literature and Communications programs. This time reinforced the 'word nerd' credentials of my life and expanded that foundation into the communications realm. The time I spent in art and design courses increased creativity and helped sharpen my eye for detail and process thinking.

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